Information about Bazuin®
Introducing Bazuin®
In addition to the cultivation of perennials and cut flowers, Bazuin also specializes in plant breeding. In the year 2010 we started with the breeding, selection and testing of new plant varieties. We are now specialized in the following species:
- Perennials (Salvia nemorosa types)
- Dahlia’s (suitable for cut flower production)
Varieties resulting from our breeding program, are placed under our own registrated trademark: Bazuin® and are protected by plant breeders rights.
Plant breeding & selection
We use classic plant breeding methodes for breeding new plant varieties.
We start with common varieties (commercially available) or with our own selected plants. The plants are pollinated by insects, bees & bumblebees. Depending on the type of plant, a controlled environment is used. After pollination, we let the plants bloom so that the plants can produce seeds. When the seeds are ripe, we collect and clean them manually.
The following year, the seed is sown in seed trays. After germination, the seedlings are planted in cultivation trays. Which gives each plant more room to grow. When the roots are well developed, the liners are planted in containers or in open ground. After which the plants are grown into full-fledged plants.
Potential promising plants are selected on the basis of selection criteria. The selected plants are tested for several years. Testing takes place at our nursery in the Netherlands, but also at other nurseries throughout Europe. Ultimately, only the best plant varieties come onto the market.

Licenses & propagation by third parties
All our plant varieties containing our registered trademark: Bazuin® are protected by plant breeders rights, propagation without license is prohibited.
For the protection and licensing of our Bazuin® plant varieties we rely on Floralí Licensing BV. They provide us with the following services:
- Plant breeders rights protection
- Conducting trails
- Launching new varieties
- Royalty collection
Propagation nurseries, professional growers or plant wholesalers can contact Floralí Licensing BV for more information about licences and/or Bazuin®. General information about our Bazuin® varieties can be found on our website.
Floralí Licensing BV
Post address
Postbus 1072
2280 CB Rijswijk ZH
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Veraartlaan 8
2288 GM Rijswijk ZH
The Netherlands